
List of Books and Resources I use to write my blog. Please feel free to use any of the references posted just not the posts themselves. Periodically, I will update this list.


1.      Jeffrey L. Singman  Daily Life in Medieval Europe
2.      Jeffrey L. Singman and Will McLean Daily Life in Chaucer's England
3.      Jeffery L. Singman   Daily Life in Elizabethan England
4.      Paul Johnson, The Renaissance: A Short History
5.      Almgren, Bertil The Vikings  Barnes and Nobles Books
7.      Gwyn Jones, A history of the Vikings
8.      Queen Elizabeth the I
1.      Fiatt, Lizan Religion in the Renaissance
2.      Roberta Anderson, Dominic Aidan Bellenger Medieval Religion A Source Book
Myths/Legends/Songs (what kind of stories would your persona read/tell to your children?)
1.      Eyewitness Books “The Vikings” (Any of the Eyewitness books on the subject)
2.      Cooper, Helen. Great Grandmother Goose. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1978
3.      Opie, Iona and Peter (eds.) The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, 2nd Edition Oxford and New York 1997
1.      Cindy Renfrow  Take A Thousand Eggs or More
2.Hieatt, Constance and Sharon Butler Pleyn Delit. Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks,1976. 1979. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. The second edition is credited to Hieatt, Brenda Hosington, and Butler. (AWESOME RESOURCE)
3. Redon, Odile, Francoise Sabban, and Silvano Serventi  The Medieval Kitchen. Recipes from France and Italy. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1998. Translated by Edward Schneider
4. A Medieval Feast by Aliki.
5. Matterer, James L. A Boke of Gode Cookery Volume 1 Pittsburg, PA 2005

            1.Grieve, M., A Modern Herbal The Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivations and Folk Lore of Herbs, Grasses, Fungi, Shrubs and Trees with Their Modern Scientific Uses Vol I-II New York: Dover Publication, 1971
            2. Dawson, Ian,  The History of Medicine Renaissance Medicine.

3. Fiona McDonald, Jewelery and Makeup Through History


1.      Durham, Keith Viking Longship Osprey Publishing
2.      Harrison, Mark Viking Hersir 793-1066 Osprey Publishing
3.      Wise, Terence Saxon, Viking and Norman Osprey Publishing
4.      Gravett, Christopher Medieval Siege Warfare
5.      Campebell, Duncan Greek and Roman Artillery 399 B.C.-AD 363

1.      Cyrus, Cynthia J. Music: Medieval Music Glossary.  Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies, ORB Online Encyclopedia, 1997
2.      Hoppin, Richard H. Medieval Music New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1978
3.      Allan W. Atlas, Renaissance music: music in Western Europe, 1400-1600
1.      Victoria Charles, Marlena Metcalf, Renaissance Art
Heritage Craft ie: weaving, sewing (garment construction) textiles, leather, dying, and pottery (include any how to or instructions.)
1.      Walter Dragun  Town: Crafts and Trade in the Middle Ages
2.      Norris, Herbert Medieval Costume and Fashion
3.      Collingwood, Peter. The Techniques of Tablet Weaving
4.       Crowfoot, Elisabeth, Pritchard, Frances and Stainland, Kay Textiles and Clothing Medieval Finds From Excavations in London Museum of London
5.      Ostergard, Else  Woven into the Earth Textiles From Norse Greenland
Blacksmithing/Whitesmith (jewelry)
1.      Ollerenshaw, India Of Horses, tops and Flanders Babies: Medieval and Renaissance Toys, Privatly published, 2005. Contact author at
2.      Strutt, Joseph, Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. Detroit: Singing Tree Press, 1968
3.      Fritsch, K.E. and Bachmann, M. An Illustrated History of Toys London: Abbey Library, 1966
Really Useful Websites
3.      START HERE FIRST!!!!
5.  (There blog and list is teacher friendly)
6.   The Go to Person on All things Viking!